"День как день, только ты почему то не спишь..."

мур...дописала щас сочинение по инглишу...вот что получилось...

Now I live in Russia in Moscow. It is pleasant to me national Russian kitchen and I love a nature of Russia. She very unusual. But I will fall in love would like in France. There usually there are any interesting things. It would be desirable to travel on Egypt. It is possible to look pyramids and sphynxes, desert and natives on all this close. To study I would like in Greece in the Middle Ages. The greatest scientists there lived. What to participate in knightly tournaments to battle on Staff I came to Germany. In England I would study in good manners. But I shall live all the same in Russia.

хм...неплохо вроде бы...
болтаю с Магистром по аське...довольная...и беззлобная...
нюхаю источающую аромат мяты и лимона аромолампу, смотрю на мерцание свечей, на блики в зеркале.....